Julian Bowen Maine Bed

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An elegant and simple New England style bed whose characteristic panelling is beautifully finished in an exquisite dove grey lacquer to create a soothing and refined aesthetic with timeless appeal. A solid slatted base ensures supreme comfort and prolonged mattress life.
Dimension: H:109.3 x W: 102.5 x D: 200 x Head H: 109.3 x Foot H: 64.5 cm H:109.3 x W: 148.5 x D: 200 x Head H: 109.3 x Foot H: 64.5 cm H:109.3 x W: 163.5 x D: 207.8 x Head H: 109.3 x Foot H: 64.5 cm
Delivered within 2 - 3 weeks See delivery details here
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